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22 avril 2009 3 22 /04 /avril /2009 16:15


Fabrication d'une sculpture
envoyé par Art-du-bois-sculpte

The tree is cut down. It is output in barks, then comes the unloading and the routing towards the sawmill. They are dried during fourteen to twenty years to be able to carve them. The wood species used are the wild cherry tree, the oak without nodes and the beech. All the carved animals have as a model the wildlife.

After being put on a bench free and traced a line to remove sapwood, the board is output in cleats using a circular saw, which will be cut out with this one or a hacksaw in right-angled parallelepipeds. Sometimes the parts require a larger piece of wood and it is necessary to carry out one or more joinings.

With a disc of sandpapering assembled on a drill press, a surfacing will be carried out to have a side of reference, then a second and a third each time perpendicular. After having sawn the others faces and makes a setting with the dimension on other sides, the surfaces are polished with a planing machine .

Each part is then drawn by a show of hands, while taking for model of the boards of naturalist as well as photographs of observation in natural environment. The drawing not being always similar, one thus obtains a single part. In the vertical direction the piece of wood thus will be drawn, sawn then turned with the file in order to have an object in three dimensions. The part will be then routed and its rough surfaces outlined with the file of fitter.

            The base is generally out of pink granite, but, for certain sculptures, I conceive or make sub-contract supports. The matter is leveled using chisels then of files switches known as of "Geneva", then one finishes by a sandpapering using various abrasive paper grains; if we take the example of a bird, the completion ends in the most delicate places, either the head, or the tail.

The object is not nearly finished, it does not remain any more but the varnishing which consists in superimposing two colourless layers, starting of clearest with darkest. When there is use of colors, of the empirical mixtures are made starting from the primary specific varnish colors. Between two layers of different colors, twelve hours of drying are necessary.

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<br /> Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> We talk about our work, handmade, to life. It's not a joke but our job. You have probably seen that we are selling our sculptures. For Christmas gifts you con have special prices....<br /> <br /> <br />


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  • : Présenter des sculptures et miniatures animalières en bois sculpté, entièrement faites main.Artisan d'Art.
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Vous êtes à la recherche d’un objet décoratif et original ? Pour offrir, faire plaisir, collectionner …

L’art du Bois Sculpte vous propose, depuis le cinq Juin 1997, des animaux (oiseaux, insectes…) des bijoux et des bateaux (sur commande).

Ces objets sont Faits Main, en merisier, chêne ou hêtre, bois séché naturellement pendant quatorze à vingt ans. Ils témoignent d’un d’amour du travail bien fait, de la patience et de la créativité de l’Artiste. Chaque pièce est ainsi UNIQUE.

Exposant  tous les ans (comité de sélection) au festival des Artisans d’Art de LIZIO (Morbihan, de 100 à 200 exposants).

Trentième sur quarante-trois professionnels au concours du Maillet d’Or à Strasbourg en 1999,expositions avec les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France.

Membre du Salon National des Artistes animaliers

Titre d’  Artisan d'Art par la chambre des métiers en décembre 2007


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